Do you live more in present, past or future?
Mindfulness simply means being in the present time experiencing and aware of the present experience that is going on as it is. Imagine you are on your evening or morning walk; Do you engage your attention to the surroundings, to what you see, what you feel, what you hear, what you smell and what you taste? Or you you are in your head thinking about or feeling anything other than your present experience of walking?
There are various ways of being aware and mindful of our experiences in the present time and only one of them is meditation. Another tool that can help us to be more aware of the present time is our five sensations. By engaging our five sensations to our surroundings we can shift our attention from whatever is distracting us, back to the present time and experience.
Past, Present, Future
Remember that present is the only real time; past is finished and not real anymore; although it might have its impacts left on us but it is gone; and we always can have a fresh response to the present experience. Future is not here yet and it might not come the way that we anticipate it; so it is not real either in the way that we think about it. Thinking about past or future or feeling emotions and sensations from those times, distract us from living the present time and experiencing things as they really are.
By engaging our five sensations to the surroundings, we can be more aware of the present time and experience. Let’s try this simple mindfulness grounding technique together. There is no right or wrong answer. The point is to engage your attention to the surroundings.
Mindfulness Grounding Technique
What are 5 things you can see? Look for small details such as a pattern on the
ceiling, the way light reflects off a surface, or an object you never noticed.
What are 4 things you can feel? Notice the sensation of clothing on your body, the
sun on your skin, or the feeling of the chair you are sitting in. Pick up an object and
examine its weight, texture, and other physical qualities.
What are 3 things you can hear? Pay special attention to the sounds your mind
has tuned out, such as a ticking clock, distant traffic, or trees blowing in the wind.
What are 2 things you can smell? Try to notice smells in the air around you, like an
air freshener or freshly mowed grass. You may also look around for something
that has a scent, such as a flower or an unlit candle.
What is 1 thing you can taste? Carry gum, candy, or small snacks for this step. Pop
one in your mouth and focus your attention closely on the flavors.